Delivering Your Brochures
Before you get your brochures
Our products sell off the page.
We suggest that you go out of your door turn left or right and start delivering close to home.
(Do not prejudge streets / areas as this can prove costly)
Personally present the brochures (reduces chance of book loss)
– when no-one is home simply pop the book through the letterbox or leave them until next time around
Post them through letterboxes.
When working your brochures…
- Deliver a brochure to every house unless obviously empty – Don’t prejudge anyone.
- Ignore door signs indicating they do not buy or sell at the door as we are offering a home shopping service; if however they specify no brochures/catalogues or no specific companies then respect their wishes and make a note not to leave a catalogue at this address.
- Ignore other distributors – even if there is a brochure on the doorstep from another distributor leave yours anyway, they may not be liked or may not be reliable; there is plenty of room for everyone as people run out of things on different days, get paid on different days, and have time to sit down and look on different days, so leave your catalogue anyway.
- DON’T WORRY about them, let them worry about YOU! Always be polite if you see other distributors out and about, but do not engage in conversation as remember they are your competition! As you are theirs!!!
- Beware the Victor Meldrews (a.k.a. Grumpy People) – not everyone likes home shopping, some people will therefore return your brochure in an impolite manner! Do not take this personally – save yourself time and effort in the future by removing this address from your list.
- Beware of Dogs – do not put your fingers through letterboxes, the weight of the pack will force the pack to drop once pushed partway through, just try to catch the inner flap so the letterbox does not clank noisily.
- Remember, you choose which houses to go to so if a dog is out in the garden and you do not feel safe entering, skip it and move on to the next house.
- Keep good records of where you have put your brochures, using a street sheet: highlight the streets you’ve covered on a map.
- Treat property with respect at all times: don’t walk on grass, jump over fences etc. Leave gates in the position you found them.
- Dress appropriately – we have no control over the weather so be prepared!
Keep Good Records
Fast and Simple …
… whilst out and about
only record house numbers that state they do not want a book again
and those house numbers where you have a book outstanding and need to call back again.
… when back home
keep a separate list of your customers so as to create your customer base.
This is fast and simple but you really need to continue going to all the houses, other than those who have said no thanks, for a period of at least 6 months before you cut back to just customers.
What I do …
It’s more detailed but helps you become more efficient quicker.
Record every street name, with every house number listed below …
then, as you know how the pack looks when you deliver it when you collect it you can note:
N for Not Looked
… nothing has changed so still as delivered – maybe not interested, but maybe just not had time to look ths time around
L for Looked
… something in the pack has moved so there’s interest and may become customer in the future once you show you are regular and reliable
AND if there is an Order note the order value
… along with the customer name so you can use their name in the future.
The above allows you after 3 times around to remove houses that have never looked,
thereby freeing up time to expand elsewhere.
Then after 6 times around if ‘lookers’ have not yet bought remove them also,
thereby leaving you with only your customers in that area 🙂
You choose what you feel will work best for you.
Remember …
When your brochures are out, your shop is open,
your brochures don’t make you money sitting in your house.
Re-canvas the area once a year (preferably when it’s nice weather), but note down any for-sale signs throughout the year and deliver a brochcure when the sign disappears.
BUT … YOU CHOOSE how much or how little you do.
You do not have to deliver all your brochures in one go,
you work them according to your circumstances.
If you are still not sure what to do just give your sponsor a call.